The Parkinson Association of Central Florida focuses not only on those with Parkinson’s disease, but focuses on how best to enhance the quality of life for those who are affected by Parkinson’s disease. Those who care for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease deserve some praise for their strength and patience with a progressive disease. Luckily, November is caregiver’s appreciation month and we have been sharing tips, stories, and resources.
To engage more in #caregiverappreciation month you can view our Facebook page and see our posts for caregivers appreciation month. If you enjoy what you saw be sure to “like” our page! Below are links to view all of our posts for the month of November in celebration of those who care for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease.
Michael J Fox Foundation: Advice for Loved Ones and Caregivers
Free Caregivers Guide: Advice from Lonnie Ali and The Michael J. Fox Foundation
Parkinson's Disease Foundation: Coping Skills for Parkinson's Care Partners
Caregiver Stress .com: Family Caregiver Distress Assessment Tool
Huffington Post: Encouraging Caregivers With Random Acts of Kindness