Financial Resources

There are several organizations that provide funding to help people with Parkinson's disease, including: 


Parkinson Association of Central Florida Steady Hand Grants

Whether at onset or years later, Parkinson’s Disease takes physical, psychological and financial tolls on patients, caregivers and families. PACF’s Steady Hand Grants provide need-based, short-term financial assistance. Whether it is transportation costs, co-pay relief, doctor-recommended treatments or other care, Steady Hand Grants — not to exceed $500 — are designed to help fill financial gaps for Central Florida’s Parkinson’s community.

Parkinson Association of Central Florida Community Grants/Funding

The Parkinson Association of Central Florida funds non-duplicative, community-based education, exercise and outreach programs that address unmet needs in the local Parkinson’s community through its Community Grants program.

PACF’s model of grant funding is designed to target funding to the best programs that are impactful, scalable, sustainable and measurable.

Co-Pay Relief Fund

Health Equity Funds were developed to get assistance to those people and places who need it the most. The Health Equity Funds are designed to specifically provide support to eligible patients living in one of the 220 counties covered by the funds, which is verified using the zip code of the patient’s home address. All other eligibility requirements, and fund operation, are the same as our general funds. Providing funding for Co-pay, Co-insurance & Deductible (medications and office visits) and Medical Insurance Premiums.

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The website and the Eldercare Financial Resource Locator Tool were created by the American Elder Care Research Organization and are owned and maintained by leading senior care referral company Caring, LLC. Their mission is to help individuals plan and implement senior care. The website is designed to help families and caregivers locate information about senior care resources for their loved ones, and to find the public and private programs available to assist in covering the cost of such care.

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PAN Foundation

The Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation is an independent, national 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to helping federally and commercially insured people living with chronic, life-threatening and rare diseases with the out-of-pocket costs for their prescribed medications. Partnering with generous donors, healthcare providers and pharmacies, PAN provides the underinsured population access to the healthcare treatments they need to best manage their conditions and focus on improving their quality of life. Since its founding in 2004, PAN has provided more than 605,000 underinsured patients with nearly $2.4 billion dollars in financial assistance, through over 50 disease-specific programs.

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rise above parkinson’s, inc.

Rise Above Parkinson’s provides financial grants to assist with medical co-payments, safety equipment (such as walkers, canes, medical alert systems), and other non-insured services like massage therapy and activity program membership fees, and more.  To qualify you must be a US citizen, permanent resident whose primary residence is in the state of Florida and who has received a diagnosis of a form of Parkinson’s disease.  Candidates can apply online at

The Assistance Fund

The Assistance Fund provides financial support to patients who are critically or chronically ill in order for them to receive their life-saving, high-cost medications. These can include support with co-pays, deductibles, and insurance premiums. These often stand between access to greatly needed medications and patients who desperately need them. The Assistance Fund can provide financial relief for those struggling to financially afford care. 

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Government assistance programs that may be available to people with Parkinson's disease include: 

  • COBRA 

  • HIPAA 

  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) 

  • State Health Insurance Risk Pools 

  • Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) 

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 

  • Medicare 

  • Medicaid